Family crests

To our knowledge, the Family Coat of Arms was first registered in 1417 by Werner Spiess, who was holding a political post at the time.

In some cantons the town officials had their own official seals. 

It is not known today whether Werner Spiess’s seal bore the Family Coat of Arm or what it looked like then.

The family Coat of Arms bears three down-facing silver spearheads on a royal blue background.

In the Middle Ages blue was considered the symbol of stability, fidelity, fame, honor and sincerity. Silver was the symbol of power, energy (moon) and neutrality.

Werner Spiess 1417
Werner Spiess 1417
digital (2013)
digital (2013)
family Spiess
family Spiess

Last change

11. 20. 2013

new Family crest